Selasa, 29 November 2016

funny 2017 calendars


(rumbling) (anxious, pulsating music) - okay, rememberwhat we talked about? use the product ruleto find the derivative. - i can't do this. (child giggling) - hey, corinne, not now. yeah, you can, simon. i've seen your scratch work.

just take your time. focus on the equation. - okay, i can't learnthis by tomorrow. i'm totally fried. can't you just give 'em to me? - simon. - please. (soft, suspenseful music) thanks.

- you can't tellanyone about this. as soon as the testis over, destroy it. you're lucky, thatwas my last one. - don't you need it? - no. hello? - laina, this is dr. perkash, your mother is asking to bedischarged from the hospital. - what?

- [dr. perkash] she'snot so much asking as signing herself out of care against our advice. - i'll be right there. just please try to stall her. okay, guys, time to go. (elevator dings) - hi, there they are. this is perfect.

can you take that tothe car for mommy? - [laina] mom,what are you doing? - i am checking out. you know what, sweetheart, i left your markers in my room. wanna go to mommy's roomand go get your markers? - is mommy coming home? - yes, i am. - mom, you need to be here,

they can't treat you at home. - i know. - [doctor] laina,can i have a word? - here, i knowit's not all of it, but i can get more. - oh, um, no, we're past that. her white blood cell count is not doing her any favors. and this kind ofaggressive depletion

doesn't give usa lot of options. - but she can'tcome home, right? she's not gonna getany better there. - i think the best thing any one can do now is to just keep her comfortable. i'm sorry. (mother laughing) - [mother] can you helpme carry my suitcase?

- [child] uh huh. - hey, i'm gonna makea run to the kitchen, want anything? - no, i'm good blake,thanks for asking. you go ahead. - all right, thanks man. - all right. (growling yell) (laughing)

- oh my. - i honestly think i've donethat to you like 19 times. - yeah, well, that'sthe last time.. i didn't mean it like that. - i just, i don'twant to talk about it. - ellie, no matterwhat happens, i'll-- - i didn't come hereto talk about the test. come on, i wannashow you something. - okay.

(car revving) - [ellie] sh! it's a secret. - [blake] come on, ellie. (ellie shushing) oh my god. ellie we shouldn'tbe doing this. - calm down. live a little. (ellie laughing)

- ellie, did you bringyour bathing suit? - no. (laughs) (both laughing) go on. (water splashing) (kissing) - what's wrong? - i'm scared, blake. - hey, we're in this together.

i'll take care of you. - hey, blake. you know, i think i do wantsomething from the kitchen. i found him atthe bilski's pool. - bilskis? you want a pop-tart? - no thanks. - some people liketo toast these. but i never have thepatience, you know.

love 'em. did you have fun tonight? you got anythinggoing on tomorrow? oh wait, my god,you have a test. it's test day tomorrow. i completely forgot myself, it's so easy to forgetsomething like that, isn't it? - i get it. hey, sorry.

- look, there's nothing wrongwith having a little fun every once in a while, but you gotta pick your moments. the night before alife altering test it's not the moment. - got it. solid lecture. - almost done. now, i know that youdon't really care

what i think about this girl. - ellie. - ellie, but she'sa distraction. now you have tomorrow, and next year. and after that you have the whole rest of yourlife to be distracted. don't eff it up. you sure you don'twant a pop-tart?

- good night, dad. - hey...come here. (soft suspenseful music) - no, no, no. no! - [masked man] move along. - [simon] shit! - hey, lana, right? - yeah, laina.

- laina.- it's cool. - sorry, um. this is kind of anawkward question. i was hoping that i couldbuy one of your study guides? - i can't. - what do you mean i can't. - i just gave the last one away. - shit. - hey laina, wait up.

so, you and blake renning, huh? - no, not really. he didn't even know my name. - he didn't know your name? but we've been in schoolwith him since first grade and there's less andless kids each year. - i know, it's pretty tragic. - geez, well, it'salmost as tragic as being in lovewith your best friend

who's in love with the guy thatdoesn't even know her name. but that's just somethingi saw in a movie once. - [laina] not today, kellan. - yeah, you're right, tomorrow's actuallybetter for me anyway. (digital scanning) - [voiceover] no laptops,computer devices. - [masked man] hey, what the. (intense percussion music)

get back here. all units converseat the south gate. we got a runner. get that kid. heading your way, now. - whoa, i've never seen a kid make it past the guards before. - kellan. are you hacking intoyour dad's account again?

- uh, yeah. (vehicle revving) - [voiceover] bring him down. you're surrounded. move in. come up now, on him. move in, boys. - [laina] so you'regoing to send the stolen securityfootage to the news?

- you ever heard of wendy banks? - well, she's a very prominentnews reporter in austin and i have her direct, personal, general inquiries email address, so i'm sending her hot tips (snapping) all the time. - does she ever reply? - whoa, i think i havemore than enough questions to answer today,thank you, very much.

(whimpering) - you're gonna be okay, okay? you can do this, yeah? (electronic pinging) - [voiceover] commencelock down sequence. - [voiceover] yes sir. - [voiceover] warning, lockdown is now in progress. 30 seconds 'til lock down. testing to begin in 15 minutes.

(metallic screechingand thudding) - good morning, everyone. i hope you all hada good night sleep. i just want you to know that you've allhad a great year, and despite what happens today, i am proud of eachand every one of you. these questions are tough, but they are notaimed to trick you.

so, focus, take your time. and no matter howhard something looks, there's always a chance. - you'll have two hoursto complete the test. no talking. keep your eyes onyour own tablet. this time is an accurate test that will determineyour aptitude. as you know, allgrades are final.

pick up your tablets and begin. (dramatic music) (digital pinging) - you have one minute remaining. - time's up, tabletsdown, test is over. (sniffling) (typing) - okay, here are the results. - donald green.

- [voiceover] come with me. - kellie jeffries. - [voiceover] this way. - marcus langley. - don't touch me. - [voiceover] come on.- don't touch me. - [voiceover] hands out.- touch me. - [female teacher] lane vic. - no, no, no, no,no, no, no, no, no!

- [voiceover] he's on themove, he's on the move. - [voiceover] hey,get him, back row. give him the door. (grunting)(thwacking) - carrie billich. (sobbing) - [voiceover] come on, it's time to go. - [carrie] please stop, please.

- and finally. - peter strand. - ellie harper. - [blake] no, no! - congratulations,you've all passed. you can go to the rec room now. - [voiceover] governor,blake's on the phone. - oh, good. - blake, i just heard thegood news, congratulations.

- dad, they took ellie, she's going to the thinning. - oh god. i'm sorry son. - we have to do something, dad. just make a phone call, you can say it was a mistake. - [governor] youknow i can't do that. - [blake] dad.

- son, we all haveto obey the law. no matter how painful it is. - i can't lose her, dad, i love her. - i'm sorry, son,my hands are tied. (locker slamming) - [voiceover] stay in the line. keep going. single file.

you, this way. (grunting) - [voiceover] whatare you doing? get back in line. put that down. - run, ellie! go, now! - [voiceover] shewent down the hall. - help, help, no,no, no, please, no!

- [voiceover] there'snothing to see. - no! - come on, hurry up, this way. - no, no, no! let her go! no, let her go! - blake! - ellie! ellie! ellie! - hey wade, come on in, boy.

(laughing and clapping) (sighing) - mr. glass? do you have a minute? (doorbell ringing) - corinne, watch your brother. - hi. - i know you told me to stop, but i made way too much ofthis casserole, so please.

- joey, turn it off. corinne has to study. - i'm sorry, thank you so much. - listen, do you have someoneto watch joey tomorrow? because i know ofa great day care. - the consores said they'dwatch him, thank you. - [teacher] i know it'scorinne's first test. - we're going to be fine. - you know i'm hereif you need me.

i'll see you tomorrow, okay? (jump rope smacking floor) (panting) (exhaling) - so, as far as tomorrow? - i wouldn't worryabout a thing. - if you're watching this video, then i am no longer alive. - how many sidesdoes a pentagon have?

- five. - what causes disease? - bacteria. - how many lettersare in the alphabet? - 26. - who loves you? - (laughs) you do. - you're going to do great. i love you so much.

- i love you, too. - hey, you ready to go? - [corinne] uh huh. - name, please? - corinne michaels. - okay, thanks. good luck, corinne. - [guard] name, please? - you have a sit down withgreet the press at 1pm

directly after the announcement. - great, what about the speech? - we got the revisionsthis morning, they're good. - did georgina sign off? - yes, sir. you're car will beready for you at 11. - hey, knock knock. - what do you want,i'm running late.

- not everything i dohas a grand intention. i just wanted to say hey. - hey. - blake. i wish there was somethingi could have done. but none of usare above the law. not me, not you, not ellie. - that's a good line. you should use it inyour speech today.

is there anything elseyou want to try out? - [voiceover] hey. - i can't believethis is the last one. i don't know why i'mtelling you this right now but i'm sweating so much that my backpack is just wet. - [laina] that's gross. - i know you don't stressout about this stuff because you're agenius or whatever,

but, you gotta be alittle bit relieved. i mean, think about it, this is the last time you have to worryabout grades forever. - not exactly. you know you don't haveto hang out with me, it's okay. - oh, really, sweet. did i get you?

- no, you do this everyday. - oh, well, do ido this everyday? 'ello, do i look british? do i look like a british person? (smacking) - out of the way, bitches. wade freeman, all starquarterback, represent! - how the hell isthat guy still here? - maybe he's smart.

- is this your phone? here you go. oh, dude, oh here you go, i'm sorry. aw man, you're definitelygetting thinned. go fetch, bitch. - closeted smart. (beeping) - [voiceover] commencelock down sequence,

30 seconds until lock down. warning, lock downis now in progress. - [voiceover] excuseme, governor redding? - [announcer] increased securitydemonstrations in moscow. - sir, i think you're gonnawant to take a look at this. it's your son. - [voiceover] goodmorning, class. - [students] goodmorning, miss cole. now, before we begin,

i'm going to show youa really special video before you take yourfirst test, okay? (twinkling music) - [voiceover] this isplanet earth, our home. see how happy she is? well, she wasn'talways so happy. you see, not so long ago, the earth wasn'tfeeling so well. first, she got too hot.

(giggling) then, the oceansstarted to rise, leaving less room on theland for earth's friends, and with less land andmore and more people, there was just not enoughroom for everybody. luckily, boys and girlsfrom all over the world got together and came upwith some very cool ways to eliminate five percent oftheir population annually. (heavy breathing and sniffling)

- you okay, miss cole? everything all right? because if youare not up for it, we can have someoneelse come down here. - no, i'm fine. just need a minute. - [voiceover] some placessay goodbye to their oldest. others only let mommiesand daddies have one baby. in america, what if onlythe smartest boys and girls

got to live here? that way, there'senough to go around. and america could bethe best country again. isn't that neat? now, all kids from 1stgrade til 12th grade get to take the 10-241 test tohelp planet earth feel great. (clapping) - 'kay, now, it'stime for everyone to pick up your tablets, okay?

you have a very exciting testtoday, just like we practiced. - these questions are hard, but if you take your time, and focus, remember there'salways a chance. okay, pick up yourtablets and begin. good luck. today, i will be fillingin enough incorrect answers to definitely failmy 10-241 examine.

my dad wants tostand by this system. he's gonna have tostand by a system that put his own son to death. - i want him home now. - sir, we can't-- - i want my son home now! - testing's already begun, the school's oncomplete lock down. - [governor] goddamnit, god damnit!

(chair breaking) - sir, they're ready for you. - take a walk. - this is mason king. - yes, nathan. - i don't know this one. can you help me? - sorry, i can't. just do your best, okay?

(dinging) - time's up, tablets down, test is over. (typing and electronic pinging) - if i call your name, i want you to stand upand follow the leader. we're gonna play a songwhile we grade the test. ("my country, 'tis of thee") ♪ my country 'tis of thee

♪ sweet land of liberty ♪- kevin barrow. ♪ of thee i see. ♪ land where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ - nicole chung. ♪ of every mountainside ♪ - no, no! ♪ let freedom ring ♪- [voiceover] marissa gomez. - [marissa] get off me.

♪ my native country, thee ♪- nathan hill. ♪ land of the noble free ♪ thy name i love ♪ i love thy rocks and rills ♪ thy woods and templed hills ♪ - mark salazar. ♪ like that above ♪ - sarah foster. no, no, please no, don't, no!

- congratulations, therest of you passed. - and lastly. - laina michaels. (heavy breathing) - [teacher] class dismissed. - is he safe? - [voiceover] thetransfer is complete. everything is inorder, governor. - mason, i appreciateyour discretion.

- [mason] as always, ineed the word from you to make it official. are we approved tocommence the thinning. - you are approved. - [voiceover] yes, sir. - good. - good, are you ready? - time to sell the dream. (clapping and applause)

- officer, wait,i'm kendra birch, i'm laina's teacher. laina's the beststudent i've ever had. i'm finding it verydifficult to believe that she failed the exam. maybe there was aproblem with her tablet? do something, please? make it right. - [officer] chang, there's ateacher in the west corridor

who thinks there's a mistakewith a student's test. please advise. - [voiceover] what'sthe name of the student? - michaels, laina michaels. - [officer] look up, michaels. first name, laina. - [voiceover] there'sno mistake, proceed, and don't hold upthe line again. - no, i can't.

(shushing) - there's always a chance. get the hell out of here. - [voiceover]let's go, move out. (fast-paced electronica music) - hey, congratulations,you made it! frank halloran, eg electric. aren't you governorredding's son? i'd like to talk toyou about your future.

hey, clare! - come on. thata boy. thata boy, kellan. (uptempo rock music) (applause) - when my grandfatherstarted at server global, he only worked withpeople he could trust. and i can tell you, today,

that he would trust noone more than my friend and the leader of thegreat state of texas, governor dean redding! (applause and cheering) - thank you, georgina. thank you. thank you, thank you. what a great day in texas! (cheering)

being governor of this greatstate for the past six years, we've accomplished somepretty incredible things. we balanced the budget. we even had a little bitof change left to spare. we cracked down on crime by 26%, and above all, we are number one in education in the entire unitedstates of america. (cheering and applause)

- [voiceover] movedown the line. move down the line. - [governor] ourworld is crowded. we had to look factssquare in the eye. - you must be really proud.- [governor] and make some hard decisions. we had to collectively decide, what kind of world dowe want to live in? 25 years ago, americawas in trouble.

(intense, suspenseful music) - [voiceover] preparefor decontamination. remove all clothing. - there are those that saythe thinning is barbaric. well, i ask you, is it barbaricto be leading in innovation? is it barbaric tobe the number one most informed andeducated population in 196 countries? (mixed cheering and booing)

is it barbaric to be the best? (booing) if you don't work, if you don't supportour great society, then you are livingoff the system. that is a parasite. and do you know whatwe do with parasites? we wash them out. (intense, dramatic music)

today's average student is yesterday's valedictorian. tell that to vermont. tell that to oregon. we introduced competitionin the classroom and the resultsspeak for themselves. - [voiceover] put these on now. - our great country has many challenges still ahead.

and with your help, we can take the goodthings we've done in texas and lead the rest of americainto an even greater tomorrow. - [blake] sir, please, help me. - [officer] you know, youshouldn't be in the hallway. (grunting)(thudding) (smacking)(grunting) (upbeat rock music) (suspenseful music)

- this hour, this minute, this moment. (clanking)(heavy breathing) i have looked inside myself and in front of the peopleof the great state of texas. (buzzing) (crying) - [woman] no, no!

- i came here todeclare my candidacy for president of theunited states of america. (grunting)(buzzing) (music stops) - [voiceover] stay in your seat. - [voiceover] hey,back to the chair. - [voiceover] remain seated. - [voiceover] sit down! no!(thudding and grunting)

get down! - [voiceover] hey you, sit down! now! - [voiceover] getthem in control! (hitting keys on keyboard) - system is down,commence containment mode. send victor woods directlyto the control room. we need a full patch ofthe electrical system. - [voiceover] copy that.

(gasping) (murmuring) - [voiceover] victor woods,report to the control room. - [voiceover] everybodystand back, stand back. - uh, victor woods, thanks. - [voiceover] we've hada minor power outage. nobody leave this roomuntil further notice. (thudding and clanking) (door shutting)

- what are they doingout of the chairs? - [voiceover] some ofthe restraints shorted during the power outage. but we got it under control. - have you done a head count? - [officer] sir,the door's locked. there's no way they could have. - this isn't a discussion. when's the power back?

power's about 30 away. the cameras are gonnaneed a separate patch. - just get it done. - [voiceover] hey! what are you doing down here? - it's about time. i called for you 10 minutes ago. - [voiceover] what? - i'm miss birch.

i teach 10th to 12th grade. - [voiceover] wait,why are you wearing-- - i just saw a studentgo down that stairwell. (thudding) (electronic powering up) (locker clanking) (grunting and thudding) (electronic pingingand murmuring) - what's the count?

- [officer] there'sone unaccounted for. - you lost a student. - [officer] i don'tknow how she got out. - she? - [officer] her nameis laina michaels. - and where is she? - blake? - lauren? you failed the test?

- it's laina, and no. there's no way ifailed that test. what are you doing here? didn't you pass? - i failed the test on purpose. - you did what? - i put my dad betweena rock and a hard place and he moved the rock. - something's not right.

- come on, i thinki know where to go. (soft, undulating music) (clanking) (siren blaring)- [voiceover] level four breach, level four breach. level four breach. - come on.- [voiceover] level four breach. - [voiceover] hey, hey, come on.

stay back. - [voiceover] hey, whatthe hell's going on? - [voiceover] everybodystay where you are. this will all be over soon. - [voiceover] sir,it's past noon. - we're still in lockdown until this is done. no one comes in or out. - [voiceover] parentsare already asking when they'll see their children.

- what's the status onthe missing student? - [voiceover] allclear on level four. - i want every teacher brought to holdingroom a immediately. (suspenseful tones) where do you want to go? - we need to find wherethey keep the tests. - what are you gonna do? steal the answers for next year?

- excuse me? - you know, for yourlittle side business. where you sell the answersto desperate kids for money. - you don't know whatyou're talking about. - no, i do. innocent kids are killedto meet a bottom line. and you found a wayto profit off them. tell me, laina, what did you spendthe money on first?

was it a car? a nice dress, maybe? - my mom. we had to figure out a wayto pay for the treatments. we sold everythingwe could, but, it still wasn't enough. i'm not proud of what i did. i just didn't knowwhat else to do. in the end itdidn't even matter.

you know, it's funny, every day in school they teachus how to solve problems. but none of those answersare on the real world. - i'm such a dick. - it's okay. thank you for admittingyou're a dick. i'm sorry, too. i just always liked you and i guess i was kindof jealous of ellie.

- you like me? - liked, past tense. now, can you help me? - um, yeah, i can getus to the control room but with the power outthere's not much we can do. - right. excuse me.- [blake] sorry. - [laina] we can followthe network cables, which will leadto the server room

which runs on reserve power. - yeah, but don'tall computers require administrator access--- [laina] access card? come on. - yeah, we're doing it. - i'm great, i'm glad wecould finally get this on the calendar. - as am i. - [voiceover] 10seconds, 10 seconds.

- got it, thank you. (door sliding open) - key cards and i.d.s - thank you forjoining us, governor. - thank you forhaving me here, vince, it's a pleasure to be here. - governor, i apologize. we're getting breakingnews right now. there is a story developingat vista point high school,

right here in austin. we're getting word that theschool is still under lock down. now, the test shouldhave ended hours ago. parents are growing concerned as the school is said to beholding students indefinitely with no word as to whether ornot their children are safe. now, governor, what do say to theseconcerned voters? - well, while, i don'thave any immediate details

on the incident, i can say that we do have the best team inthe nation on site and that any problemsor confusion willbe resolved shortly. somebody tell me what the hellis going on at that school. - it's worse than we thought. - show me. - parents have beenwaiting for over two hours with little to no informationon what has happened

to their childrenat vista point high. - we don't know if our son passed the test orfailed or anything. this day is hardenough for all of us and we deserve answers. this community hasbeen through enough. - no parents ofstudents at vista point have been notified as of yet. we'll keep you updatedas this bizarre story.

- get king on theemergency line. (intense tones) - key card and i.d. (metallic crashing)(yelping) (deep breathing) (dramatic, pulsating music) - i'm about to have a thousandroyally pissed off parents talking to news vans in frontof a school with no power. i need you to explain to me

how this is evenremotely handled. - the cables arenearly patched through. we'll have power back shortly. - as soon as the power is on, the thinning continues,you understand? the eyes of thenation are on us. we have zero room for failure. - understood, sir. we'll find her.

- we'll find her. find who? blake! blake, breathe. blake, breathe! (coughing water) - so that happened. - go put these on. so, am i going tohave to ask you

or are you goingto be a gentleman? - i'll be a gentleman. do i need to askyou to be a lady? - sorry. - it's all good. i got like a three quickpeeks, so we're even. - okay, are you decent? - no, but i am wearing clothes. so i guess we're gonnahave to figure out a way

to get back up there, somehow. - you do that, i'm goingto go through here. - what the hell is this? - we passed the test,this is bullshit. - i want to go home. - no one has told us anything. are we just supposed tosit here, indefinitely? - [voiceover] nobodyleaves this room until we get the all clear.

- don't tell me what to do. do you have any ideawho my parents are? i'm leaving. - [voiceover] stay back! (thudding)(crowd gasping) (intense, suspenseful tones) - we can't go down there. there's too many of them. - we need that card.

i don't think we can getto the computer without it. - okay, well, there'sgot to be another way. where are you going? (soft, pulsating music) - [laina] this is the one. - [blake] all right. you ready? (draws closing and opening) - perfect.

(door thudding) blake, hurry. (door opening) - go, go, go. - [blake] you take care of that. i'm going to the thinning. - okay, the majornetworks should be here within the hour. i still don't understandwhat you'll say.

- the press arelike sharks, ted. they smell blood,they'll come swimming. we just need to givethem some fresh meat. - [voiceover] we foundhim beat up pretty bad. - you got beat up by a girl. - no, sir, well, yes sir. it was two of them. - two girls? - no, it was a male student.

they got the jump on me. the other saidshe was a teacher. - what was the teacher's name? - this is ridiculous. - yes, this whole thing is. - i don't know about you, but i could use adrink after this. - me too. you want to joinme for one later?

- sure. - i have to warn you, i get a littlehandsy when i drink. - i can deal with handsy. - so i'll see you after school? - i'll see you then. - 'kay. (soft inquiring music) kellan.

- miss birch, right? let's continuewhere we left off. key card and i.d. very well. - i must have dropped it. - no, i don't think so. - excuse me, this is a mistake. - everybody out. - i had it two seconds ago.

- where is she? - who? (punching) i don't know whoyou're talking about. (thudding and panting) i'm broke. - this is the last timethat i'll ask nicely. where's laina? - oh my god, laina.

(laughs) (encouraging instrumental music) (intense, pulsating music) - all the informationwe have as of now is this morning,approximately 11:45am, laina michaels, a studentat vista point high, failed an exam. she then proceeded toattack several dpc officers, injuring two and tragicallykilling two others.

since then, thestudents have been moved to a safe place andare being protected under the watchfuleye of our teachers until miss michaelscan be apprehended. - corinne, do youneed a ride home? - [governor] i would liketo speak to you as a father. - i understand your pain. my son is in thatschool as well. and i will doeverything in my power

to bring him andeveryone else home safe. blake, if you're watching, i love you son. this is a tryingtime for all of us. i ask for your patienceand understanding as we move toresolve this matter and bring missmichaels to justice. - wendy, you need to see this. - this was taken frominside the high school.

- yeah, that'sdefinitely a dpc guard hitting a passing student. - this doesn't add up. who's the source on this? this footage was sent tous by a student source inside vista point high. - kellan? - hello. all units convergeto the server room.

we have her. (intense, percussion music) - [blake] attention. i was just told tomove these students to the recreationhall immediately. - [officer] i didn't hear that. the students are staying untilmason king says otherwise. - [blake] i was justtold to take everyone to the recreation hallwithout any hold ups.

so, let's get moving. undo the restraints. (relieved whimpering) - [officer] no, wedo don't do anything without direct confirmationfrom mason king. identify yourself now. - of course. i'm sorry, let me showyou the confirmation. - [voiceover] he's not a guard!

(thudding and grunting) - i have proof. i passed that test. - congratulations. take her to the thinning. - holy shit. - [voiceover]good, get him down. get his mask. (yelping)

- i don't care where youpull the graphics from, we're going live now. - [voiceover] wendy,this hasn't been approved by the network. - karl, it's calledbreaking news for a reason. we're going with this, now. three, two. (suspenseful percussion music) - no, no, not laina.

- less than an hour ago, governor reddingannounced a situation inside vista point high involving a dangerous failedstudent, laina michaels, said to be wreakinghavoc on campus leaving behind hera trail of terror. just moments ago, we receivedofficial documentation from inside the high school revealing falsified test scores,

possibly to favor ortarget specific students to evade or endure the thinning. among those wrongfullyaccused of failing the exam, laina michaels, receivedone of the highest scores in the school. blake redding, son ofgovernor dean redding passed the exam, despitehaving the lowest score at vista point high. (phone ringing)

- i thought yousaid that you had the situation under control. - well, thesituation's changing. - yes it has. i'm starting to think ibacked the wrong horse. congressman sandovaldoesn't come with these kinds of problems. - georgina. - don't georgina me.

fix it or you won'thave enough money to run for city comptroller. - [voiceover] this explosivedevelopment calls everything said today by the governor'soffice into question and reveals a largerscandal at play. - this is bad. this is bad. you got to shut it down. dean, it's over, yougot to let the girl go.

you need to shutthis down, right now. goddammit, dean, areyou listening to me? it's over. there's no more moves. - there's one more move. - no, please. no, no! (intense music) - sir, everything is in order.

as always, i need the wordfrom you to make it official. are we approved tocommence the thinning? sir, are we approved tocommence the thinning? there's been a change. we need to revise the list. - sir? - [governor] that's an order. (electronic release) - all released students

are free to proceed tothe recreation hall. congratulations, you've passed. round them up. - [laina] what's going on? - [officer] let's go. blake what's happening? - [laina] no, what's going on? - [blake] it's okay, i did this. - get her out of here.

- blake, no! - get her out of here! - [laina] put me down, no! - [voiceover] out of the way. wade freeman, time to go. - get off me, bro. bro, that's mythrowing arm, bro. do you know who i am? wade freeman, you bitch.

(drilling tones) (soft, somber music) - it's all over. the school-wide lockdown has been lifted and passing studentshave been reunited with their loved onesafter what has been a long, trying day,here in austin. as always, our heartsgo out to the families of the failing students

who scored in thelowest percentile. the head of the dpc, mason king, has been taken infor questioning in connection with thealtered test scores. - i am appalled by the allegedcriminal action of mr. king. as of tomorrow morning, i am appointing aspecial committee to fully investigate whatreally happened at vista point. if mr. king is guilty,

he will dearly pay forhis unlawful actions. - earlier reports indicatinga scandal involving governor reddingfalsifying test information were discredited when thepresidential hopeful revealed his son blake was among thisyear's failing students. - my son, as much as i love him, is no different than anyof your sons or daughters. i'm not a hypocrite. the laws apply to all of us.

it just doesn'tmake it any easier. i lost my son today. but i know in my heartthat he died for a purpose. all of our fallen students havemade the ultimate sacrifice in the name of ensuringa better tomorrow and in keepingamerica's future bright. i'd like to take a moment andthank them for their courage. - [voiceover] hold it. okay, they're all clear.

(gate screeching) ("dna") ♪ dark as midnight ♪ six pack coors light ♪ you don't look the same ♪ past my bedtime ♪ blue and red lights ♪ come take you away ♪ hate to see you like a monster

♪ so i run and hide ♪ hate to ask but what's it like ♪ to leave me behind ♪ i won't be, no iwon't be like you ♪ fighting back, i'mfighting back the truth ♪ eyes like yourscan't look away ♪ but you can't stop dna ♪ no, you can't stop dna ♪ twice a year, youcome in crashing

♪ nice to see you too ♪ johnny cash andbackseat laughing ♪ always ends too soon ♪ hate to say hello 'causei know that it means goodbye ♪ hate to ask but what'sit like to leave me behind ♪ all the pieces of you ♪ and the pieces of me ♪ i'm just so scared ♪ you're who i'llbe when i erupt

♪ just like youdo, they look at me ♪ i can't look at you ♪

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